Frequently Asked Questions

What can I expect on my first visit?

The initial consultation can last from two to three hours. The purpose is to elicit a full picture of all your unique and peculiar aspects -- your mental and emotional characteristics, the disease, its progression, and all the other factors which affect your health and well-being. I am interested in the underlying pattern and development of your symptoms to get to the root of the whole picture to identify a remedy, or series of remedies, that will support your body to restore health.

After the consultation, I may spend additional time to study your case in which case I will call you within a day or two with the selection. Once the remedy is selected, I will either mail the remedy to you or may need to order it from a pharmacy.

What can I expect in the follow up visit?

After the initial consultation, a follow up is scheduled in 4 to 6 weeks to evaluate the effect of the remedy and determine the next step. If there is even a small change, especially on the mental/emotional levels or the energy level, then the remedy is correct and more progress can be expected over the next few months. This will be a slow and gradual process. During the course of improvement you may experience a temporary return of some old symptoms from the past. This is a good sign and represents a clearing of old unresolved issues. Subsequent visits will be spaced according to the effect of the remedy. At every follow up, I evaluate the action of the remedy and determine if it needs to be changed or repeated. Please make a note of all the changes you are observing - mental, emotional, physical, energy level, etc. - to discuss during the follow ups. The duration of the treatment will vary from case to case.

Have you seen other cases like mine?

For a homeopath no two cases are alike. For me it does not matter what you’re diagnosed with. What matters is the unique way in which you are manifesting that condition. What makes your condition worse and what makes it better? What changes in your general state -energy level, sleep, appetite, etc.- have you noticed since you’ve had this condition? You may have symptoms that occur in more than one system of the body, are on the mental and physical plane, occur daily, or only occasionally. The more I can individualize your case, the more accurately I can identify a remedy that matches your unique set of symptoms. Any strange, uncommon, and unusual symptoms that are usually ignored in conventional approaches are of special interest to me because they help individualize your case even further.

Do Homeopathic remedies have side effects?

Homeopathic remedies are non-toxic. They have no side-effects. To stimulate a healing response, the remedy must resonate with the person. If the remedy is not similar to the case, it will have no effect. Sometimes there may be subtle changes in symptoms without a general improvement. This indicates that the remedy is close but not an exact match.

How are Homeopathic remedies prepared?

Homeopathic remedies are prepared in a unique way in professional FDA approved pharmacies. The process involves serial dilutions and succussions (vigorous shakings). The more the original substance is diluted and shaken, the more potent it becomes while eliminating its toxicity. The various scales used to prepare the remedies are the ‘X’ scale (1:10), ‘C’ scale (1:100) and LM scale (1:50,000). ‘C’ scale is the most commonly used scale in homeopathic practice.

Can I continue to take my medication when I’m using homeopathy?

Yes. Homeopathic medicine can be used safely alongside pharmaceutical medications. As your condition improves with homeopathy, you may need to adjust the dosage requirement of the conventional drugs that you may be taking for your chronic condition. It is not recommended to stop taking any drugs without consultation with your medical doctor.